Avataar's 3D and Augmented Reality (AR) solution is now live!

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With more and more independent merchants joining platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce, the need for unique store features is rising. However, the problem is, most of these smaller brands don’t have the resources or finances to add 3D augmented reality integrations on their own.

That’s where Avataar comes in. Our out-of-the-box AR solution was recently launched on both Shopify and BigCommerce and offers retailers a one-click AR option for eCommerce, reducing purchase hesitation, improving conversion rates, and increasing customer lifetime value.

Why use AR?

Augmented reality (AR) is the perfect tool for e-commerce brands looking to offer their customers a contextually immersive shopping experience. By overlaying digital products onto the real world, shoppers can get a better sense of how an item will look and feel in their personal spaces. This helps boost their confidence before making a purchase.

AR is especially beneficial for items that are difficult to visualize, such as furniture or electronics. With the help of interactive augmented reality, shoppers can evaluate how that new sofa would look in their living room or if that TV will fit their cabinet; all with their smartphone camera.

Not only does this improve customer experience, but also leads to higher conversion rates and increased order value.

Increased Confidence

With a suitable AR solution, customers can view life-size three-dimensional product visual(s) in their own space and evaluate how the product would look once it arrives.

Research has shown that more than 60% of shoppers prefer retailers who offer AR viewing options in their stores. AR helps build confidence,  eventually minimizing returns and maximizing the likelihood of shoppers becoming repeat customers.

Improved Conversions

3D and augmented reality boosts purchase confidence, they can help diminish the bounce rate, and encourage more buyers to make quicker purchase decisions with little to no doubt.

This leads to improved conversion rates and higher order values. Retailers using AR in their stores report a 94% increase in sales conversions.

Higher Engagement

Allowing customers to explore different product colors, finishes, and textures through an augmented reality setup can help them find the products that best match their requirements. In addition, retailers can use the shopper behavior insights from AR to recommend complementary items, based on products that go well with selected items. Our customers have seen more than 4 minutes of engagement after enabling AR solutions in their store.

Lower Return Rate

By allowing shoppers to see products in their home before buying, augmented 3D solutions have been shown to lower the return rate for products. This is music to the ears of ecommerce merchants, who often have to deal with costly returns. This can be music to the ears of eCommerce merchants who often face losses due to costly returns.

What's more, a lower return rate also helps maintain the overall sustainability of the market by cutting out additional transportation and shipping costs.

Decluttered Store

In the physical world, stores have to deal with the challenge of displaying their products in a way that doesn't overwhelm shoppers. This is often done by carefully considering store layout, product placement, and signage.

A suitable AR solution can help eCommerce stores achieve the same goal by allowing shoppers to view products in a virtual space before making a purchase. This not only declutters your store but also provides a more immersive shopping experience for customers.

Why choose Avataar’s AR Solution?

With Avataar’s out-of-the-box app on Shopify and BigCommerce, your store can enjoy these benefits without any setup or maintenance. The solution takes care of everything for you, from DIY 3D creation to hosting AR experiences.

What’s more, our app is constantly evolving to provide new features and integrations that can help your business grow. So if you're looking for an AR solution for your eCommerce store, look no further than Avataar.

Digitize your World

With augmented reality, you can almost instantly improve the shopper experience and give your store a competitive advantage. Customers can view, place, and move products in their own homes.

Scaled 3D Content Creation from 2D

Elevate your store from flat, boring 2D product images to high quality 3D images with life like realism.

Avataar has a DIY approach to 3D model creation. Simply record the product using your phone camera and get a highly photorealistic AI generated 3D model in under 30 minutes.

You’ll almost instantly create a lifelike representation that can be published to your product page.

Interactive Augmented Reality

The 3D models are seamlessly integrated into your PDP. The Avataar app handles everything, from creating 3D models to publishing them to your PDP and enabling quality AR experiences for your customers.

Interactive Options

Additionally, you can also create interactive experiences for your customers that allow them to view different color options and material variants while viewing the product in their space.

Avataar is the only company in the world that provides this kind of interactivity in Augmented Reality, so you won’t want to miss out on this class-leading feature.

Get augmented reality in your store today and transform your customers' shopping experiences. Download the Avataar app for Shopify and BigCommerce now.


What Is Augmented Reality (AR)? How can Augmented Reality Enhance Shopping Experience?


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