Mastering the Game: Expert Marketing Tips from Top Digital Agencies

Tips from Pearmill for Conversion Rate Optimization 

By : Nima Gardideh, President at Pearmill‍

Ensure to experiment with improving the most important areas for conversion optimization:

‍Trust – Build trust and motivation through reviews, testimonials, badges, and company/media logos on your site. Think long-term when building trust – create content about what your brand stands for, and embed your brand essence in everything you produce.‍

Friction – Minimize friction by simplifying the checkout process, offering guest checkout, social login, various payment options, and take advantage of platform payments (e.g. Shop Pay, Meta Pay, etc.). Make sure to enable BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later) options if the price point is high.‍

Clarity – Optimize product pages with clear descriptions and visible/high-contrast CTAs. People should be able to know how to add the product to their cart within the first second of scanning the page, and understand the main value of the product within the next 5-10 seconds as they read anything above the fold.‍

Personalization – Personalize product recommendations based on user preferences, past behaviour (viewed products, purchases, etc), and the channel the user is coming from. Every step of the way should feel like one cohesive experience. From the user clicking on an ad or link in an email, to the page they visit, all the way to purchase!‍

How to reduce cart abandonment? 

By : Daniel Budai, CEO at Budai Media

The average cart abandonment rate in ecommerce is 69% according to the Baymard Insitute. Constantly improving this rate for your business cannot be overstated enough, even a 10% improvement can make or break your profitability. Since I started my career, this number has been growing constantly and it’s very likely that this will increase further. Shoppers are bombarded more than ever and they’ve never had so many distractions as today. 

What can you do as an e-commerce marketer to reduce your cart abandonment rate? 

  1. Run heuristic analysis regularly: simply go to your website and buy a product both on desktop and mobile. You shouldn’t tolerate any website speed issue or any other friction in the process. According to SEMRush, the recommended website loading speed should be about 2 seconds. Beyond 4 seconds, and for each extra second more, customer satisfaction is reduced by 16% and you also stand to lose 1 in 4 visitors.

  2. If possible, reduce the number of steps and fields required to complete the purchase. This is the biggest needle-mover for many brands. On the contrary, if you don’t want to reduce these, make sure you have a big reason to do it. 

  3. Offer live chat with your customer support team during the checkout process. Pretty soon, you will see a positive ROI on this. 

  4. Be transparent about your cost and delivery time. If possible, show it as early as you can in the buying process, eg. on your product page. It’s a nightmare to see long shipping times or additional costs just before the purchase. 

  5. Ensure that you accept payment methods from the most common payment platforms but also you don’t overwhelm your visitors. For instance, according to Statista, the top 3 accepted payment methods in the US are VISA, Master Card, and American Express. Besides these 3 accepted payment methods, digital wallets like PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay are also increasingly popular and you also need to consider them for mobile devices. 

Find more valuable insight especially about mobile website speed optimization here.

Turbocharge Your E-commerce Rankings with Video Reviews and AI-Enhanced Storytelling 

By : Jason Ciment, Founder at Get Visible

In the fiercely competitive world of e-commerce, retailers are always searching for innovative strategies to stay ahead of the curve. One such approach combines the power of video product reviews with AI-enhanced storytelling, resulting in improved SEO rankings and ultimately, increased sales. 

In this blog post, we spoke with Jason Ciment one of the founders of Get Visible, a digital marketing agency out of Arizona. He shared with us a game-changing rankings and traffic strategy that merges multimedia content, AI-generated articles, and effective marketing outreach. 

The SEO Benefits of Higher Organic Google Rankings 

When implementing this strategy, it's important to understand the SEO benefits associated with earning higher organic Google rankings. By leveraging video reviews and AI-generated content, your website stands to gain several SEO advantages: 

  1. Diverse Content: Google values websites that provide a mix of multimedia content, including text, images, and videos. By incorporating video reviews alongside AI-generated blog posts, you'll create a rich and diverse user experience, signalling to Google that your website offers valuable content for visitors. 

  2. Improved On-Page SEO: Adding transcripts of your video reviews not only caters to user preferences but also benefits your on-page SEO. The transcript provides additional text content for search engines to crawl, increasing your chances of ranking for relevant keywords. 

  3. Enhanced User Engagement: Compelling video content and engaging storytelling in your blog posts can result in longer session durations and lower bounce rates. Search engines like Google consider these user engagement metrics when determining rankings, so improving these aspects can lead to higher organic rankings. 

  4. Increased Backlinks: By creating high-quality, informative content, you'll naturally attract more backlinks from other websites. These backlinks signal to Google that your website is authoritative and credible, which can positively impact your organic rankings. 

  5. Amplified Reach: Promoting your content through various channels, such as newsletters and RSS feeds, increases the likelihood of your content being discovered and shared. This extended reach can result in more traffic and organic rankings, as search engines take notice of your website's popularity. 

Now that we've explored the SEO benefits, let's dive into the step-by-step implementation of this strategy. 

Step 1: Create a Compelling Video Review 

Begin by crafting an engaging video review of your product. Highlight the unique features, emphasize the reasons people need or want the item, and showcase the benefits customers will receive by purchasing from your website. Use high-quality visuals, clear audio, and a captivating presentation style to draw in viewers and pique their interest. 

Step 2: Transcribe the Video 

Once you have your video review, use a transcription service like or to generate a text transcript of the content. This transcript will serve as the foundation for your AI-generated blog post in the next step. 

Step 3: Leverage ChatGPT for Storytelling 

Now that you have your video transcript, use ChatGPT to transform it into a compelling 750-1000 word blog post. Request that the AI creates content with a storytelling framework, ensuring that it maintains a high level of an engaging, human-like writing style. 

Step 4: Publish and Promote Your Multimedia Content 

With your captivating video and AI-generated blog post in hand, it's time to publish and promote. First, post the video on your website's product page and include a link to the transcript. This provides a rich multimedia experience for your customers, catering to their preferences for either video or text content. Next, post the AI-generated blog in the blog section of your website. Incorporate a link to the product page, directing readers to the reviewed item. This will encourage them to explore further and ultimately lead to increased conversions. 

Step 5: Leverage Your Company Newsletter and RSS Feed 

Announce your new blog post in your company newsletter. If you don't already have one, consider creating one to keep your audience informed about your latest updates and promotions. This additional marketing channel will help drive traffic to your blog and product page. Lastly, set up an RSS feed for your blog to enable syndication to other websites. This will broaden your reach, allowing potential customers to discover your content and products through various channels. 


Embrace the power of video reviews, AI-enhanced storytelling, and strategic promotion to improve your e-commerce rankings. By employing this innovative strategy, you'll create engaging content that appeals to a wider audience, increase your online visibility, and ultimately, boost your sales. Begin implementing these steps today and watch your e-commerce business thrive.

What leads to improvement in customer loyalty? 

By : Kymber Heinze, Director at SmartSites

Customer loyalty is something that can be easily overlooked however it is something that should never be overlooked. Customer loyalty can lead to many benefits for your business including reputation building through reviews, repeat sales or purchases, and referrals. 

The most effective way to improve customer loyalty is through connection and information. Information is power and connection plays into the psychological process of a customer's buying habits. Simple things like learning names, buying habits or putting a little effort into knowing what's going on in their life can move mountains when building trust and loyalty. By taking the time to understand our customers, we can more effectively offer them solutions to their problems and support them in a way that will encourage them to become loyal. Customers do not always remember a product or service, but they will always remember their experiences and how a business made them feel. 

Bio: SmartSites operates as a full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO, PPC, Email Marketing, Social Media Management, and Web design. Since our start in 2011, we’ve managed $500M in paid search, won 30+ design awards, received 1k+ 5-star reviews, and have worked with almost every industry imaginable. 


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